RHAPSODY OF FIRE – The Eighth Mountain

Rhapsody Of Fire hold a special position in the exciting and multi-faceted world of heavy metal: Like few other acts, the band from Italy stands for anthemnic symphonic metal presented with lots of speed, great pathos and technical refinement. Another characteristic that the band’s fans love: At the beginning of their career in particular (at…


Kärbholz 28.04.19 poppodium NIEUWE NOR – Heerlen (NL)

Rammstein, Die Toten Hosen, ook Die Böhze Onkelz. Duitse rockbands die in hun moedertaal zingen en ook in Nederland bekendheid genieten. Dat geldt (nog) niet voor Kärbholz: nog nooit in hun 18-jarige bestaan waren ze aan deze kant van de grens te zien. En dat terwijl ze in Duitsland en Oostenrijk in april 15 grote…


RANTANPLAN – Stay Rudel – Stay Rebel

Do not feed – still biting! The Hamburg-based ska punk legend from St. Pauli returns with their 10th studio album, delivering 10 explosive songs about the sometimes serious and sometimes not-so-serious sides of life. In these grim times, Rantanplan remember the basics: the pack. Here you can run, bark, bite, eat and cuddle. That must…


New DANKO JONES Album ‘A Rock Supreme’ Due April 26

New DANKO JONES Album ‘A Rock Supreme’ Due April 26; ‘Dance Dance Dance’ Single Out Now  it’s long been clear that the Canadian hard rock trio DANKO JONES lives and breathes – and even sweats and bleeds – rock n’ roll. The group’s namesake front man loves to talk about it (check out his long-running…


KÄRBHOLZ – Herz & Verstand

With “Herz & Verstand” Kärbholz are already releasing their 8th studio album. The four guys from Ruppichteroth in the German countryside have been making music together since 2005. And that very successfully, if you look at the last releases of the band. “Rastlos” from 2013 went from a standing start to #16 and the follow-up…