ASENBLUT – Legenden

More than ten years have passed since ASENBLUT came together. A lot has happened in the Göttingen based band’s camp since they caused quite the stir in the German Pagan Metal scene with their debut „AUFBRUCH“ back in 2009. Already then so much more as a Mead drinking, runes throwing band of pathos fools, they…


VOODOO CIRCLE – Raised On Rock

If you consider the songs on Voodoo Circle’s new album Raised On Rock to be an indicator of the current emotional condition their most important protagonists find themselves in, there seems to be no reason to worry about band founder, guitarist and main composer Alex Beyrodt in particular. Thanks to Beyrodt’s excellent songwriting – as…


THAUROROD – Coast Of Gold

Their home town of Hyvinkää is better known as Finland’s hotbed of black metal. Something of a deviation from the norm, power metal gunners THAUROROD have one by one felled every obstacle in their way, including a revolving door of members in their formative years. The trio of founders however; Pasi Tanskanen, Joonas Pykälä-aho and…



  Op woensdag 24 januari 2018 komt Geoff Tate met zijn Operation: Mindcrime naar poppodium NIEUWE NOR in het kader van het 30-jarig jubileum van ‘Operation Mindcrime’, het derde studioalbum van de progressieve heavy metal band Queensrÿche. Dit concert vindt plaats i.s.m. The Rock Online en Parkstad Limburg Theaters. ‘Operation Mindcrime’ is het derde studioalbum…


THE POODLES 17.03.18 Oefenbunker landgraaf / NL

Dik tien jaar geleden waren ze al eens te gast in Parkstad (17.10.07 poppodium NIEUWE NOR – Heerlen), nu 7 studio cd’s, een live CD en vele optredens, tours en festivals later, zijn ze zaterdag 17 Maart 2018 te gast in de oefenbunker te Landgraaf, ter ere van hun tour voor hun nieuwste CD “Prisma”. De band ontstond…