Since their debut “Of the Son and the Father” in 2003, the band from Swedish Borlänge has successfully cultivated their very own form of “Retro”, based on the great deeds of legends such as Rainbow, Dio or Black Sabbath, combined with elements of modern heavy metal. A concept that has brought the band repeated chart successes in Europe and Japan to this day.
“Worship or Die” is the band’s most melodic album since “New Revelation” (2007), yet one of the hardest in the Astral Doors universe.
The riffs were and are the foundation of the six Swedes, but this time more space was given to the melodic elements.
Songs like “Night of the Hunter” and “This Must be Paradise” show again the special talent of the band to combine good old Hardrock with today’s Power Metal.
In their songs the Astral Doors deal with controversial topics of our time like religion, terrorism and the future of all of us. The band proves once more that intelligent lyrics and heavy metal don’t have to be contradictory.
So “Marathon” is about the terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon. A hard topic to which the band approaches with dignity and respect towards the victims and their relatives.
Besides the “big themes” of this world, the Astral Doors also find their way back to myths and horror stories.
Thus the theme in “St. Petersburg” revolves around the mystical Rasputin, while “Night of the Hunter” deals with the story of a serial killer
01 Night Of The Hunter
02 This Mus Be Paradise
03 Worship Or Die
04.Concrete Heat
05 Marathon
06 Desperade
07 Ride The Clouds
08 Light at the End of the Tunnel
09 St. Petersburg
10 Triumph & Superiority
11 Let The Fire Burn
12 Forgive Me Father
– Nils Patrik Johansson – Vocals
– Joachim Nordlund – Guitars
– Mats Gesar – Guitars
– Jocke Roberg – Keyboards
– Johan Lindstedt – Drums
– Ulf Lagerstroem – Bass