TRAPEZE – Lost Tapes Vol.2

When rock band Trapeze called it a day, they left behind them a series of now classic albums. Their influence on other groups has been immense; individual members themselves going on to join heavy weight rock acts such as Deep Purple, Whitesnake, Judas Priest & Uriah Heep. But their story’s not over, as TRAPEZE –…

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KINGS NEVER DIE – The Life & Times

Following the release of their debut LP ‘All The Rats’ in 2023 and their European tour together with ‘Dog Eat Dog’, ‘Kings Never Die’ began work on their follow-up album. After drummer Danny Schuler left to return to ‘Bioharzard’, Dan Nastasi asked his long-time friend John ‘Booge’ Milnes (Mucky Pup) to help with the recordings.…

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Geoff Tate, de multi-platina verkopende en Grammy-genomineerde zanger/liedjesschrijver, wordt gezien als een van de meest indrukwekkende vocalisten in de rockwereld. Zijn vroegere band Queensrÿche, bekend van hits als “Empire”, “Silent Lucidity” en “Jet City Woman”, heeft een blijvende invloed op moderne rockartiesten. Met Queensrÿche heeft Geoff 12 studioalbums uitgebracht. Daarnaast bracht hij in 2013 zijn…

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MIKE TRAMP’s WHite Lion 04-05-2025 @ pNN – Heerlen (NL)

MIKE TRAM­P’S WHI­TE LION  – Thunder Over Europe Tour 2025 04.05.2025 pNN – Heerlen (NL) **Na een pauze van 16 jaar, waarin hij geen nummers van White Lion speelde, is oprichter en zanger/songwriter Mike Tramp terug met een frisse look, nieuwe band en de ‘Light & Thunder Over Europe’ 2025 Tour. ** Mike Tramp schreef geschiedenis…

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La Ultima – Oefenbunker Landgraaf (NL)

Wie van de aanwezigen herinnert zich hun optreden van vorig jaar niet nog in de oefenbunker. Denkt daar met een feest der herkenning, maar ook het grote familiegevoel aan terug. De tour voor 2025 staat dan ook in het teken van “Familientreffen” 2025. Waarmee ze volgend jaar tevens twee dagen lang te gast zullen zijn…

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VOODOO CIRCLE – Hail to the King

Every album has its own history, and this one not only tells of Voodoo Circle and its musicians Alex Beyrodt (guitar), DavidReadman (vocals), Alex Jansen (bass) and Markus Kullmann (drums), but also – indirectly, of course – of Whitesnake, DeepPurple, Rainbow and Led Zeppelin. Without trying to disguise their influences, Voodoo Circle consciously follow in…

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OHRENFEINDT – Wenn Der Teufel Anruft

They are now almost 30 years old. While most people at this age are thinking about starting a family, a career and building a house, OHRENFEINDT are making a new album and celebrating a round album anniversary at the same time: studio album no. 10 was created at the Hertzwerk @ Chefrockstudios in Hamburg under…

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D-A-D – Speed of Darkness

Earlier this year, D-A-D turned 40 years and turned into a museum exhibition. But this is by no means the end of everything. The quartet is brimming with energy, and they have written 40 songs since their last album, “A Prayer for the Loud”, that was released in 2019. Out of these songs, the four…

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ASTRAL DOORS – The End Of It All

The legendary metal band founded in Borlänge, Sweden, in 2003 returns with a brand new studio album five years after their chart success ‘Worship Or Die’. After nine albums released so far, the guys were keen to record a tenth, their anniversary album. The band decided to call the album ‘The End Of It All’…

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BROTHERS OF METAL – Fimbulvinter

Brothers Of Metal are a spectacular c on the international metal scene, their catchy yet powerful songs and martial outfits, including archaic weaponry, paying homage to both heavy metal and the Norse gods. Their first two album releases ‘Prophecy Of Ragnarök’ (2017) and ‘Emblas Saga’ (2020) have earned the Swedish band an outstanding reputation, and…

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