FAIRYLAND – Osyrhianta

Fairyland’s new album “Osyrhianta” is the fourth in a conceptual series and acts as a prequel to the previous trilogy that was comprised of “Of Wars In Osyrhia” (2003), “The Fall Of An Empire” (2006) and “Score To A New Beginning” (2009). It narrates the creation of the world Osyrhia, presents its lands as well…

FIREWIND – Firewind

Each time Firewind released an album over the last 20 years, it wasn’t just the brilliancy of exceptional guitarist Gus G (Ozzy Osbourne, Arch Enemy, Dream Evil) that fans were in awe of, but also the skills of every one of the band’s vocalists. Fantastic riffs, hooks and solos by the gifted hands of guitarist…

Golden Age of Rock 2020

   – GOLDEN AGE OF ROCK 2020 – vrijdag 21.08.2020 zaterdag 22.08.2020 & zondag 23.08.2020 Altijd het meest coole van de old school ! Na een aanzienlijk geacht succes en een bijna unanieme goedkeuring door iedereen (groepen, publiek, pers, vrijwilligers …), heeft het Golden Age Rock Festival besloten om aan een tweede editie te beginnen.…

OZ – Forced Commandments

About 2,5 years have passed since the release of their much-acclaimed album “Transition State” – now OZ are back with full force and their new album entitled “Forced Commandments”! The band’s 8th studio album sounds fresh and powerful, but OZ still have not forgotten their musical roots. Roaring guitars, kick-ass solos, catchy lyrics, a driving…

ASENBLUT – Die Wilde Jagd

Dark times. A storm’s brewing. The Fenriswolf howls, the Æesir alarm to go into the the last decisive battle , Ragnarok approaches to devour the world. But ASENBLUT, the powerful metal armada, is willing to set against. They are back, in company with another beastie longplayer, a worthy successor of “Berserker”. The Melodic Deathers attaching…