He is one of the truest and most passionate Rock musicians of the last decades. And though time stood never still for Gotthard founding member and guitarist Leo Leoni. CoreLeoni he named his passion for big, timeless Classic Rock, for pure music nostalgy, added with a modern sound. On September 27th their second album „CoreLeoni…

Blueminded & Guests

Blueminded is een Nederlandse pop / Rockband (Symfo Rock) , die in 2012 opgericht werd door gitarist, muziek en tekstschrijver Jörgen Koenen. Na thuis verschillende dingen al zelf opgenomen te hebben en het ook life te willen gaan spelen, werd in zijn eigen omgeving gezocht naar medemuzikanten. Die al vlug in zijn eigen muzikale kring…


Last year lift the band the secret of the SCHATTENMANN’s identity and took the Gothic scene by assault. Within two years, singer Frank Herzig raised the future of Neue Deutsche Härte together with his band mates Luke Shook (bass) and Jan Suk (guitars), last year drummer Nils Kinzig completed the line-up. Together, they brought the…